SKMA Events
Announcements and news about forums, exhibitions and conferences in the field of healthcare. Reports from events, results of meetings, as well as the most important results of past events.

On November 13-14, 2020, the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy was a co-organizer together with the Bashkir State Medical University, the Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of the UFIC RAS, the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, the National Scientific Society of Infectious Diseases of Russia, Semey Medical University, Bukhara State Medical Institute, the Institute of Immunology and human genomics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan of the international scientific-practical conference "Fundamental and applied aspects of immunology, genetics and infectious diseases." The conference was held and the materials were published with the support of a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR project No. 20-015-2001
The conference was held online, 8 countries of the world were represented in its work (Russia, China, USA, Germany, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine). 72 reports on the global problem of COVID-19 and other urgent infectious diseases of our countries were heard. From the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology prof. Abuova G.N. - at the plenary session, Assoc. Berdalieva F.A. and doctoral student Polukchi T.V. - at the section "Topical issues of therapy and prevention of infectious diseases", assistant Aliev D.S. - at the section "Topical issues of infectious diseases in adults and children."
This event is a vivid example of scientific cooperation, exchange of experience in areas of mutual interest of the departments of partner universities.
The staff of the department published their articles in the collection of conference materials, which is posted in the RSCI, each article has a doi.